I am designing a subset of data tables to support user actions based on roles and locations. This blog entry is really just a test, as I have NEVER blogged before, but my fun friend Adron tells me I HAVE TO. Whatever.
I kind of prefer to remain more anonymous than this, but I will give being ultra social a chance.
I’ll add to and edit this baby later, after work, unless a development tip strikes me in the head and I need to share it with the tech community at large.
Oh---here is a QUESTION OF THE DAY:
WHERE IN THE HECK DID THE FIND OBJECT DIALOG GO IN SQL 2005? (Note: all caps means I am yelling.)
I mean I have sprocs I can use to locate columns, tables, views, etc….but still. I want to know where it went? Yes, I see the cute little funnel icon in the Object Browser, but that blasted thing can only be used for one entity type in one database at a time. How tedious; how boring. And Mr. Perfect Adron Hall---you are wrong---that dialog is indeed useful for those who architect their own databases from start to finish correctly.
1 comment:
Ya! I'm mentioned twice in your first blog entry!
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